Creating a Tool Box – One Creative Way To Manage Anxiety

When the outside world is in chaos, how do we center ourselves from the noise? 

We call it “The Coping Box” .  A box filled with certain things that would be able to assist in managing any form anxiety.  The box can be big, small and it can even be a compact box for you to travel with.   Here are a few ideas on what to add in your coping box:

  • Self Smoothness- comforting things that carries the 5 senses for instance, something to smell like candles; something to hear like music, something to touch like lava beads.
  • Distraction: keeping your mind off things while focusing on something like putting together a puzzle, artwork, inspiring quotes
  • Emotional Awareness : expressing your feelings such as journaling, drawing, poetry writing.
  • Crisis Plan – contact information of support and resources when coping skills aren’t enough such as connecting with a Therapist, A Doctor, a Friend, A Distress Line and 911.

Anxiousness often subsides, but when we are in the moment, it feels like an eternity. Validate that feeling! It’s okay to not be okay right now. Your emotions are part of you, therefore it is meaningful no matter how big or small.

Tags :
Anxiety,blog,Mental Health,Mindfulness,Resources,Social Anxiety,Therapy
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