Call to Action means placing our conversations into physical motion. We hear ” keep the conversation going” we say ” let’s talk”, but what happens after the talk, what happens when meeting time to discuss important issues end and everyone goes home. As Therapists, we often hear, ” the conversation never stopped whether in our own heads or with someone else, we feel all this talking has made strides, but to where, when I’m still feeling anxious, depressed, anger, numb, or suicidal. Now I’ve added another thing onto my life..addiction”
As Therapists, As Policy Makers we know it takes time for physical change to happen such as easier access, faster access, implementation. According to Public Health Agency of Canada we all must make a commitment to learn , which means building a mental health resource kit, way before crisis occurs as the wrong time to prepare for CRISIS is when we’re in it. We’re all accountable, and it’s time to walk our talk, it’s time to Call to Action. SPEAK UP! REACH OUT! EDUCATE! SHARE! And IMPLEMENT!