Embracing Empowerment

Our Services

At Embracing Empowerment Counseling Services, we empower individuals to navigate their challenges, guiding them through painful or bewildering emotions. Our mission is to foster personal renewal.

Healing Within: A Journey After Narcissistic Abuse

This Peer based support group provides significant insights of how we can go from survival to thriving after therapy has been implemented. Embracing Empowerment Counselling Services provides a confidential, disclosed safe space to share your recovery with peers of similar trauma, while trying to come to terms of how post-narcissism plays out in our lives. This is an inclusive all women’s group.

Empowering First Responders Families Peer Support Group

A place where First Responders families can come together to seek out community relationships amongst others in similar circumstances of supporting a loved one who may be in the police services, paramedic services, fire services and/or in the military services.

From Public Sector to Private Practice

When we decide to change our life goals into an exhilarating new journey, it can share some overwhelming feeling of where we begin. Embracing Empowerment Counselling Services provides a paid workshop of how to guide yourself through this work transition without to many bumps in the road. This also provides a start a creative space to ignite leadership skills within yourself!

The Therapist Burnout Journey: Peer Support Group

This 4-week, Peer-to-Peer Support Group is facilitated by a Mental Health Professional who also dealt with burnout, vicarious trauma, compassionate fatigue, and has been able to encompass tools in their everyday life within the power of conversations.

Clinical Mental Health Consultation

We offer 50-minute in-person or virtual clinical mental health consultations