Embracing Empowerment

Suicidal Ideation

What is Suicidal Ideation?

For every death by suicide, six people are directly affected. People who die by suicide want to end the pain, not to end their life. There is a link between mental health disorders and the risk of suicide. Known high-risk factors can be but are not limited to severe depression, psychiatric disorders, substance use, chronic pain, a family history of suicide, a prior suicide attempt, unresolved childhood trauma, and unresolved workplace issues. The World Health Organization estimates that close to 800,000 people die due to suicide every year.


A proactive measure in place for anyone experiencing suicidal ideation can reduce the rate of death by suicide. If you or someone you care about have had or are having thoughts of suicide, we are here for you.

For Immediate Help

If you or a loved one are experiencing endless feelings of hopelessness and unworthiness, and cannot see a way out, it is critical to seek help immediately:

Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868

Kids Help Phone Crisis Text Chat sms: 686868
Toronto Distress Line: 416-408-4357
Trans Lifeline: 1-877-330-6366

First Responders 24/7 Peer Support living in Ontario (Boots On The
Ground): 1-833-677-2668
Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

Suicide Hotline: 988
Canadian Suicide Prevention Services: 1-833-456-4566

Embracing Empowerment Counselling Services

Treatment for suicide involves a team of health professionals, of which counselling and support play a critical part in. Parul Shah is an experienced registered social worker, a psychotherapist and private counsellor through her practice Embracing Empowerment Counselling Services. She is empathetic to the pain of her clients, and knowledgeable in the challenges, complexity and sensitivity of treatment.

She works and guides clients to embrace their challenges and difficulties, so they are empowered and can grow. Her therapeutic approaches are tailored to her clients’ needs and she is qualified in:

Clinical Mental Health Consultation

We offer 50-minute in-person or virtual clinical mental health consultations