Embracing Empowerment


What is Anxiety?

While it is normal to feel nervous or worried, anxiety disorders can be crippling and cause significant interference in a person’s daily activities.  Anxiety often encompasses repeated and sudden anxious episodes, sometimes of intense fear or terror (panic attacks).  There are different forms of anxiety and each form may be different from one person to the next.  However, the most recognized forms of anxiety include: phobias, panic disorder, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  In some cases, anxiety is the first symptom of an underlying health issue or the side effect of a medication.  An estimated 3 million Canadians (11.6%) aged 18 years suffer from anxiety.

Embracing Empowerment Counselling Services

Counselling and support play a critical part in managing anxiety.  We are experienced and empathetic to the pain and challenges you’re experiencing and are knowledgeable in the complexity and treatment of all forms of anxiety. We are empathetic to the pain of her clients, and knowledgeable in the challenges, complexity, and sensitivity of treatment.



Parul works and guides clients to embrace their challenges and difficulties, so they are empowered and can grow. Her therapeutic approaches are tailored to her clients’ needs and she is qualified in:

Clinical Mental Health Consultation

We offer 50-minute in-person or virtual clinical mental health consultations